May 21, 2015RX Music is Number 6 in Profit’s W100 Top Female Entrepreneurs List!

RX Music is Number 6 in Profit’s W100 Top Female Entrepreneurs List!

Today PROFIT and Chatelaine ranked our CEO, Gina Rizhanovsky, No. 6 on the 17th annual W100 list of Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs.  The W100 ranks female entrepreneurs with a proprietary formula that considers the size, growth rate and profitability of the businesses they own and run.

“You need a bold vision, an innovative strategy and loads of tenacity to earn a spot on the W100,” says James Cowan, Editor-in-chief of PROFIT and Canadian Business. “Every person on this list represents the pinnacle of business success in Canada. Their stories are inspiring and instructive for those seeking to excel as an entrepreneur.

In an address to her team today, Gina said, “Thank you to everyone for your continued hard work in making this a possibility for us.   We have a truly exciting period upon us (with a lot of hard work in the process), but this is yet another exciting turning point for our company as we navigate new landscapes and propel RX Music and Prescriptive Music onwards for better!”

When asked to share her perspective on RX Music’s work, Gina writes, “Music exists all around us and is a preeminent force in bringing people together.  We build ambiance in environments that engender a sense of belonging and meaningful connection to a business’ brand through music.

Companies are always striving to articulate this elusive ‘differentiating factor’, but fall short in the actual delivery.  We don’t aim to infiltrate the market and amass market share blindly.  We’re strategic in the partnerships we foster – both from a supplier and customer standpoint, always maintaining a boutique feel in the delivery of our quality offering.

We know music and what makes our company unique is our people’s unwavering commitment to delivering a profound, customized end-user experience through the power of music.  Our talented team makes all the difference.”

About the PROFIT/Chatelaine W100
Now in its 17th year, the PROFIT/Chatelaine W100 ranking of Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneurs is Canada’s largest celebration of achievement by women business owners. Produced by the editors of PROFIT and Chatelaine, the rankings and extended coverage of the women honoured are published in print and online. Applicants to the 2015 W100 were ranked using a proprietary formula that considers the size, growth rate and profitability of the companies they own and manage. To see this year’s complete ranking and find links to all of our W100 editorial coverage, visit
