Raf Riley x Etta Bond were definitely missed this past summer.
Well… It’s definitely not summer anymore, and I’ve recently discovered a track that would have made my summer even better…but a man can dream can’t he?
It’s a shame that it’s taken me so long to discover such amazing talent out of the UK, since I’m so big on the music that comes from there. Ah well, it’s better late than never. I’ve quickly become such a huge fan of Etta Bond and Raf Riley’s EPs “Emergency Room” and “Meds” and especially, the videos for “Boring Bitches” that I wrote about previously, and the video for “Big Girl’s Vogue” So, it’s only natural that I would have been drawn to this.
It looks like “Summer” for now is a still a single that was released back in July, and looks like Raf keeps his team close as he features the angelic voice that is Etta Bond, Avelino and Dun D. Do me a favor…grab a beer, a lawn chair, and a winter jacket and imagine a beach while listening to this amazing simple track below: