
EditorialFor the love of music


For when you’re feeling social


Craig Clemens

September 02, 2014

Shoes tied tight, bus at the curb, wonder what homeroom I’ll get this year!? It’s ‘back to school’ again for a great many of us – for others, it’s Tuesday. Sure post-Labour Day has lost it’s excitement, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy great new music!


Zeus | Classic Zeus

Taking the bold step of calling themselves classic even though they’re only a couple albums deep, this brand new LP from Toronto rockers Zeus is actually not really close to the ear-drum smashing hit “Are You Gunna Waste My Time” from 2010. They’ve gotten a little more AC and Indie Pop in this release, which although makes one wonder sometimes where this all came from, it’s fun to listen to. It’s a change of direction for the band, and although they may not have completely left their old hard-rocking roots behind, they know exactly what they’re doing and exactly how it was going to be perceived – hence why they called a departure record “classic“.



Half Japanese | Overjoyed

If Kurt Cobain was alive today he’d love this album. Sure, he loved this band when he actually was alive, but a 4-decade long career of Half Japanese’s Jad Fair has not changed him much, and really, he hasn’t lost a step. Still hitting hard, still inspiring, as a friend of mine says (and lives his life by) “lo-fi till I die”.



Blond Redhead | Barragan

Another one from a group that’s be around for a really long time (21 years!), Barragan from Blonde Redhead has again solidified their place as, not necessarily a game changer, but as a massively creative voice. This is decidedly more stripped down from an arrangement standpoint, this record makes the best out of noise and music that isn’t there; hardly naked or without dynamics, this record allows for the listener to find more of what they like.