
EditorialFor the love of music


For when you’re feeling social


Craig Clemens

September 17, 2014

“A day late and a dollar short” as Tom Waits once said. But whatever, it just gave me an extra day to listen to all the great releases that dropped yesterday and oooh boy! Summer may not be over yet!


Generationals | Alix

Including more and more of that 80’s electro-pop sound that they’ve hung their hat on for their first 3 studio records, Generationals have released Alix and instantly switched seasons on us. Although it’s never really winter in these guys’ hometown of New Orleans, this duo has reminded this northerner that summer is still here (but still so far away).



Run The Jewels | Run The Jewels

This one is a lot of fun; which is not really a thing that’s said a lot about hip-hop nowadays. El-P and Killer Mike, the grungy Brooklyn producer and southern-fried Altanta MC who previously worked together on Killer Mike’s 2012 offering R.A.P Music, are back. They let this one go for free, which is fine by me cause people need to hear this. Look out for Big Boi on the second track “Banana Clipper” a true highlight of the record.



Medeski, Scofield, Martin & Wood | Juice

Not very often do the pages of this feature get filled with new jazz records, which is either a sign of the state of Jazz in general, or I’ve completely lost the edge of that scene. However, every once in a while (and BadBadNotGood can count themselves in this category) a new Jazz record comes along that is an absolute must listen, and for all you Jazz nerds out there, a must lift. Again teaming up with John Scofield – Medeski, Martin & Wood, the irreverent Jazz organ trio have brought back together a dream-team. I’ve been waiting for this record for years, and I’m ecstatic that it’s finally come!