
EditorialFor the love of music


For when you’re feeling social


Craig Clemens

October 07, 2014

Ahh.. October. Personally, this is defiantly my favourite month of all, for a few reasons; Fall being first and foremost of those. Great records though, that’s hardly secondary, especially when the albums are as great as the ones that came out today.


Flying Lotus | You’re Dead!

This one, I mean, wow. Flying Lotus – rapper, electronic/R&B/experimental musician – has released a record that not only defied expectations of what exactly a Flying Lotus LP should sound like, it flies directly in the face of what is expected from a major commercial artist. Yes, major artists are featured, but instead of almost being name-dropped on this record, they come and go as part of the album itself. The album flows from song to song like liquid – it squeezes 19 tracks into an amazingly concise 38 minutes that is at times classical and jazzy, while at the same time taking a weird, radical, and abrasive turn.


Iceage | Plowing Into the Field of Love

There are a few different trains of thought with this album. One is that they’re putting their unique brand of Danish post-hardcore and noise rock, the other is that they’re simply just growing up. Plowing into the Field of Love is certainly going to piss off a lot of people who follow this act claiming that they’ve suddenly lost their edge. They’ve broadened their palette and become a lot more expressive in how they put more of a personal touch on their music.



Caribou | Our Love

This album feels like the culmination of Caribou’s entire career. Glowing with warmth and including all different aspects of Caribou’s electronica, hip hop, R&B, garage and tribal house, Our Love is an incredible 42 minutes of genuine happiness that is tinged with soul from beginning to end.