
EditorialFor the love of music


For when you’re feeling social


Craig Clemens

March 06, 2020

Brand New Music

U.S. Girls | Heavy Light

Even if it gets off to a raucous start, the newest from Meg Remy’s U.S. Girls is much more restrained, and notably absent of the gimmicks used to hook audiences with her previous works. Subtlety, nuance and a razors-edge of witty pop music, Heavy Light is much more personal. It looks farther inward, while still allowing the listener to dance if they really want to.

Lauv | ~how i’m feeling~

With beautiful simplicity Lauv may have just released your new favorite pop album. Although very collab heavy (what pop album isn’t nowadays?) the solo tracks offer much more lyrical perspective. These lyrics soar above the processed layers, but when compared to his last record, almost sound half-done as Lauv refocuses on songwriting, leaving overly production behind.

Bad Bunny | YHLQMDLG

An absolutely incredible party record, as Rolling Stone said in their review, he’s “demanding the world crossover to him.” It’s hard to deny a party record like that is doing what Future and Travis Scott did for trap: re-introduce the world to what make’s you one of the best of your craft.

Also Out Today..

Caroline Rose | Superstar

Nadia Reid | Out of My Province

Disq | Collector