
EditorialFor the love of music


For when you’re feeling social


Craig Clemens

March 15, 2019

Brand New Music

Absolutely chaotic, Punk is a heady, dazzling blend of pop, dance, funk, electronic and obviously, punk. Combining influences and ideas together CHAI creates a loud defiant message of individuality and independence. This is an infectiously fun rollercoaster ride that delves into themes of self-acceptance and confidence.

Karen O & Danger Mouse | Lux Prima
If you needed a great example of a perfect pairing of two artists, you don’t have to go much farther. Karen O, straight from her day job as the lead singer of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Danger Mouse, a creative and well known producer in is own right, have managed to synchronize their diaries and create musical melange that has skewed all rules or reason. Even just looking at the promotional photos for the duo you can see the juxtaposition of shimmering and subtle.

The Cinematic Orchestra | To Believe
Although the field of groups combining neo-classical jazz and electronic, The Cinematic Orchestra remains apart from their peers. And nearly a decade removed from their last release we find the group raising larger questions, but instead of answering them we get them restated rhetorically. Nonetheless the album’s seven extended tracks provide moments of transportive introspection – something much needed in 2019.

Also Out Today..

Stephen Malkmus | Groove Denied

Matmos | Plastic Anniversary

The Comet Is Coming | Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery