On This Day..
1962 Ray Charles started a five week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with the Don Gibson penned country ballad ‘I Can’t Stop Loving You’, also No.1 in the UK.
1972 Pink Floyd released Obscured By Clouds in the UK. The album which was recorded in Paris France in less than two weeks peaked at No.6 on the UK chart and No.46 on the US chart.
1976 Wings set a new world record when they performed in front of 67,100 fans in Seattle, the largest attendance for an indoor crowd.
Brand New Music
Beach Fossils | Somersault
Even as this Brooklyn-based trio continues to develop a sound that digs on 60s pop, grunge, country, etc., etc., and incorporate more of a studio-polished sound they still have a very bedroom-composed feel about them. While their previous release hinted at a group coming into their own, Somersault come through on that promise. Gaining confidence in their songwriting and a great production team around them has created an album that brings them right back to the forefront of great indie rockers.
Dan Auerbach | Waiting On A Song
If you want early-Black Keys, go listen to early-Black Keys. If you want a new Dan Auerbach record than you’re in the right place. This LP is a piece of melodic whimsy that is joyously organic from beginning to end. Exploring new areas of songwriting from beginning to end Auberbach sounds like he’s developing a post-Keys sound. Less overdrive, more songwriting.
Chastity Belt | I Used To Spend So Much Time Alone
It’s difficult to be both substantial and timeless all in the same piece of work. But, from start to finish, I Used To Spend So Much Time Alone takes this ambitious goal and both technically and conceptually nails it. Chastity Belt does not throw anything away. Grounded and ambitious, this LP is a head turner where moments of energy and authenticity match their ability to dig up sadness and their inherent mockery of something so vague, but also so universal.