
EditorialFor the love of music


For when you’re feeling social


Craig Clemens

April 12, 2019

Brand New Music

Anderson .Paak | Ventura
Back to basics, back to what caught listeners attention in the first place, and back to being the best version of himself, Anderson .Paak returns (for the second time this year) with an album that feels like a response to the criticism of the last record. While he dialed down the grand ambition a little, he still has the soulful funk that made him so easy and fun to listen to in the first place. Sumptuous harmonies with A-list features and a live band locked in on every track, .Paak again finds that perfect middle ground between the 21st Century dancefloor and throwback funk and soul.

The Chemical Brothers | No Geography
This is both exactly what you want and what you would expect from The Chemical Brothers. Pushing the duo back into relevance after years of where-are-they-now questions, they nail down again their own blend of sensory overload with club bangers. Sure – it’s probably not a great look to be calling this a comeback, but this record fits like a glove into their decades long discography.

Fontaines D.C. | Dogrel
At the very heart of Fontaines’ music is a punk-infused look at the state of society. This is who they are. And people looking for this kind of work are not going to be dissapointed. This group is probably one of the most underrated ‘important’ groups of the decade, and as the Irish natives weave through the troubles in their troubadouric style, this debut record has a storytellers narrative voice that snarls with youthful exuberance and disillusionment. Authentic, raw and absolutely honest, this is an eclectic and original take of multifaceted expression.

Also Out Today..

Bibio | Ribbons

Damien Jurado | In the Shape of a Storm

Norah Jones | Begin Again